Monday, March 21, 2011

Ode to the Mustache!

Coming up with a good idea for a "boy party" can be a challenge...
now that I have a grandson, I am always on the hunt for that special idea!
Lately, I have been bumping into more than my fair share of "mustaches".

Hence this is my tribute to all things mustache-ish!

"The Mustache Bash"
These fun invitations & printables 
are available from 

The "Mr. Man" Party
Fun Party Ideas by Create My Event

And my favorite... 
"The Little Man" Party
This was featured on Pizzazzerie & 
was created by Cakes Likes a Party

There are just so many fun ideas to add on to this theme.
Not only would it be a fun birthday party idea, 
but it would be a really fun baby shower too...
and I think you'd have to create your own photo booth 
& pose incognito... don't cha think?!!

Interested in creating your own 'stache party or baby shower???
Then check out these mustache friendly party suppliers:
 And don't forget to buy some wax mustaches 
Dandy You while you are at it!
Now that's just Too Stinkin' Cute!